
Art wise we finished the general look of the arena. We added all 3d wall decorations, central button, corner support pillars, floor braces. The only thing remaining is the large back window.

Character models were also modeled and imported. Animations will be added in sprint 2.

All trash pieces and specials are now finished and implemented.

For programming our main mechanics are finished: there's now a win condition and a timer. The first team to completely fill their bar wins; if the timer reaches 0, the team with the highest points wins.

Multiplayer now works properly; 4 players can each control a character in the arena. 

Players can now punch to stun other players. Throwing blocks against players also now triggers a stun.

2 of our specials are now integrated: the bomb (that explodes on contact with an incinerator, disabling it for 10 seconds) and the black hole (that activates when thrown into an incinerator, causing it to have a magnet-like effect for 10 seconds). Every 20 seconds a random special will spawn in the level.

Next week we will go into the second sprint, where we focus on smaller features, like the background, particle effects, power-ups and the menu screen.

Files 483 MB
Mar 21, 2022

Get [Group12] Dumpster Fire

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